Gottes Neue Bibel

The Revelation of St. John the Divine

Unlocked Dynamic Bible :: Allioli - Arndt Bibel

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- Kapitel 1 -

(Daniel 12:1–13)
This book has the things that Jesus Christ showed to me, John. God showed these things to Jesus in order that he might pass them on to his servants. These things will happen soon. Jesus communicated these things by sending his angel to me, his servant John.
As a witness I, John, reported everything I saw and heard about the word of God, and the true accounts that were given about Jesus Christ.
God will do good to anyone who reads these words and to any who hear them when they are being read aloud. He will do good to those who listen carefully to them and obey them, for the time when these things happen is approaching quickly.

John Greets the Seven Churches

I, John, am writing this letter to the seven groups of believers in the province of Asia. May God be kind to you and give you peace, for he is the one who has always existed, who exists now, and who will always exist in the future. May the seven spirits who are sitting in front of his throne do these things for you, too.
May Jesus Christ, who has faithfully told us the truth about God, also be kind to you and give you peace. For he is the first one whom God raised from the dead, and he is the one who rules the kings of the earth. He is the one who loves us and who has freed us from the guilt of our sins by his blood when he died on the cross.
He is the one who has begun to rule over his kingdom; he has set us apart to be priests who worship God his Father as he commanded. It is Jesus Christ whom we must honor and praise forever. This is the truth.
Look! Messiah is coming in the clouds. Everyone will see him, including those who killed him by nailing him to a cross. Every tribe on the earth will be in sorrow and grief when they see him coming. That is the truth!
Lord God declares, “I am the one who began all things, the Alpha, and I am the one who will cause all things to end, the Omega. I am the one who exists, who has always existed, and who will always exist. I am the One who rules over everything and everyone.”

John’s Vision on Patmos

I, John, your fellow believer, am suffering as you are because Jesus rules over us. We share together the call to suffer for our faith. We are part of his reign and rule over all things, and we are patiently enduring every trial and test that comes. I was imprisoned and sent to the Island of Patmos because I kept telling people about God’s message and the truth about Jesus.
On one of the days we worship the Lord with other believers, God’s Spirit took control of me. Then I heard behind me someone speaking. He voice was like a trumpet that was being played.
He said to me, “Write on a scroll what you see, and send it to seven groups of believers. Send it to the believers in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”
When I heard these words, I turned to see who was speaking. Then I saw seven golden lampstands.
In the middle of the lampstands there was someone who looked like a human being. He wore a robe that reached to his feet and a golden sash around his chest.
The hair on his head was as white as wool or fresh fallen snow. His eyes were like a brilliant flame.
His feet looked like gleaming bronze. When he spoke, his voice had the volume and depth of a great river of rushing water.
He was holding seven stars in his right hand. A sword with two sharp edges was coming out of his mouth. His face shone as bright as the sun at midday.
When I saw him, I fell down at his feet as though I were dead. But he put his right hand on me and said to me, “Do not be afraid! I am the first One who began all things and the Last One who causes all things to end.
I am alive, even though I died once, and indeed, I am alive forever! I have power over death and I control the place of the dead.
So write down what you have seen. And write down what is happening now. And write down what will happen in the future.
The meaning of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars represent the angels who watch over the seven groups of believers in Asia, and the seven lampstands represent the seven groups that are there.”

Einleitung und Segensspruch

(Daniel 12,1-13)
Offenbarung Jesu Christi, welche Gott ihm gegeben hat, seinen Dienern kund zu tun, was in Bälde, geschehen soll; und er hat es, indem er seinen Engel sandte, seinem Diener Johannes kund getan,
welcher das Wort Gottes und das Zeugnis Jesu Christi, alles, was er gesehen, bezeugt hat.
Selig, wer da liest und hört die Worte dieser Weissagung, und bewahrt, was in ihr geschrieben steht; denn der Zeitpunkt ist nahe!

Gruß an die sieben Versammlungen

Johannes an die sieben Gemeinden in Asien. Gnade euch und Friede von dem, der ist, und der war, und der kommen wird; und von den sieben Geistern, die vor seinem Thron sind;
und von Jesus Christus, welcher der treue Zeuge ist, der Erstgeborene der Toten, und der Herrscher über die Könige der Erde, der uns geliebt und uns abgewaschen hat von unsern Sünden in seinem Blute,
und uns zu einem Königtume und zu Priestern für Gott, seinen Vater gemacht hat; ihm die Ehre und die Herrschaft von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit! Amen.
Sehet, er kommt in den Wolken, und jegliches Auge wird ihn schauen, auch die, welche ihn durchstochen haben. Und es werden über ihn wehklagen alle Geschlechter der Erde. Ja! Amen.
Ich bin das A und das O, der Anfang und das Ende, spricht der Herr, Gott der da ist, und der war, und der kommen wird, der Allmächtige.

Vision des Menschensohns

Ich Johannes, euer Bruder und Mitgenosse in der Drangsal und im Königtum, und in der Geduld in Christus Jesus, war auf der Insel, die Patmos heißt, um des Wortes Gottes und um des Zeugnisses willen von Jesus.
Da war ich im Geiste an dem Tage es Herrn, und ich hörte hinter mir eine starke Stimme, wie von einer Posaune,
die sprach: Was du schaust, schreibe in ein Buch, und sende es den sieben Gemeinden in Asien, nach Ephesus, nach Smyrna, nach Pergamus, nach Thyatira, nach Sardes, nach Philadelphia, und nach Laodicia.
Und ich wandte mich um, die Stimme zu sehen, die zu mir redete; und da ich mich umwandte, sah ich sieben goldene Leuchter,
und inmitten der sieben goldenen Leuchter einen, der einem Menschensohne glich, angetan mit einem langen Gewande, und gegürtet um die Brust mit einem goldenen Gürtel.
Sein Haupt aber und seine Haare waren weiß wie Wolle und wie Schnee, und seine Augen wie Feuerflammen,
seine Füße ähneln dem im Ofen glühenden Glanzerze, und seine Stimme wie das Rauschen vieler Wasser;
und er hielt in seiner Rechten sieben Sterne, und aus seinem Munde ging ein zweischneidiges Schwert hervor, und sein Angesicht war, wie wenn die Sonne leuchtet in ihrer Kraft.
Und als ich ihn sah, fiel ich zu seinen Füßen wie tot nieder, und er legte seine Rechte auf mich und sprach: Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin der Erste und der Letzte,
und der Lebendige; ich war tot, und siehe, ich lebe in alle Ewigkeit, und habe die Schlüssel des Todes und der Unterwelt.
Schreibe nun, was du gesehen hast, was ist, und was nach diesen geschehen soll.
Das Geheimnis der sieben Sterne, welche du in meiner Rechten gesehen hast, und die sieben goldenen Leuchter: die sieben Sterne sind die Engel der sieben Gemeinden, und die sieben Leuchter sind die sieben Gemeinden.