God's New Bible

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 39 -

Life-rules generally. Fellowship between husband and wife

Regarding a national constitution this is actually no other than the sacramental part of the religious charter, containing the rules that must always be followed in relation to inner divine service.
Of course these regulations are much more diverse upon the planet Jupiter, which corresponds to this equatorial belt. Nonetheless the positive aspect of these equatorial rules stands in exact relationship to those on Jupiter.
For there is no political head of state other than the house father whereas upon the planet there are people here and there who deem themselves lords and demand acknowledgement as such, and those refusing to do so are even forcibly driven into it or punished. And there are besides people on the planet who regard themselves as demigods, desiring to be Christs between Myself and the people. These especially have aspirations towards leadership and want to be regarded as such. Whoever will not cede this to them they damn forthwith and in some cases the recalcitrants are condemned and sentenced to a fiery death. These lords are in a sense pagans who regard the sun as the face of God, although they do not actually deny Me as Lord. The difference between these, of course, not too frequent heathens upon this planet and the virtuous ones, consists in that whilst these lords say that I am the highest and greatest Lord, the good ones say that I am the only Lord!
Behold, under such planetary conditions and practices, the state laws also have to be incomparably more numerous than upon the corresponding solar belt, where there are neither lords nor Christs and least of all pagan demigods. Wherefore you must regard these rules about the corresponding planet as universal only, to a major extent.
Wherein do these national codes upon the fourth solar belt, consist? Some of these we have already met in the domestic rules; and so the rest are only a few very peculiar ones left to consider.
The first rule relates to discourse, making it the duty of every equatorial inhabitant, never to articulate matters pertaining to the spirit outwardly by tongue but mentally only, through mime or gesture, effected by eye, forehead, lips, corner of mouth, chin and both cheeks assisted by hands. They are allowed to articulate with the mouth only about natural things and with strangers.
However this is as much second nature for every fourth equatorial inhabitant through early training, as for you to take a stroll in a beautiful garden upon Earth, especially if your own.
Therewith one regulation. Another is that on group excursions no one must walk behind another, except women behind men. But upon the planet, women are not allowed to do so either. On account of this both the people of Jupiter and the corresponding solar belt constantly look behind them to check that no one is walking behind them. Should someone be seen to follow either a company or an individual, even if at considerable distance, the entire group or the individual stop and all tum around and stay there until the one behind has caught up with them.
He is then asked whether he noticed their backs when following. If he admits that he did then he is gently reprimanded and told not to divulge it to anyone. If he didn't notice them he is told what small danger he could have been in had they not looked back carefully.
You are sure to ask how these normally gentle and good people could become so silly. But I say unto you: may this practice sound ever so silly at first. It nevertheless has a wise reason, which you shall find out soon.
It has already been mentioned that these official codes of conduct in a sense constitute the sacramental, inner religious code and this should justify such practice, but how? How shall this transpire?
Man's face and his front as a whole signify truth, whilst his reverse side represents the lie. But because these people regard the lie as a vice that degrades man most of all, speaking always the full truth out of love for their brethren and there being no guile in them, they want to avoid showing their much loved brethren their back side which, although only symbolically, signifies the lie. For they say: no brother should be secretive towards his brother, whilst on the other hand he cannot with his back show his brother what is in his heart. Whoever therefore shows his brother his back is hiding his heart from him. He who wants to be forthright therefore with his brother should always keep his back from his brother's face, so that the latter would not have the least occasion to suspect that the other is keeping something from him. If however the most loving, sole Lord of heaven and earth most carefully avoids showing us humans and all creatures His back rather than His most holy visage, from which everlasting life streams to us, then why should we humans not heed what the most loving, sole Lord of heaven and earth maintains towards us humans and all beings, out of His eternal and endless order?
Behold, seen from this aspect, the equatorial inhabitants' wisdom is not diminished through observing this rule. Because wherever an action is based in love for Me and a brother, it ceases to be unwise. But where an action, no matter how apparently delicate by appearance, is grounded in self-love and self-interest, there it is also pure foolishness and fuss in the eyes of pure spirits.
Therewith we are familiar with this code and shall move to another. This third rule is observed mainly in the house; wherein does it consist? It consists of everyone having to direct his or her eyes towards the house interior during rest. Why? Because these people say: while resting, we should lift our eyes to God; God however is the inward depth of all things in relation to His endless love. Hence the inside of a house also signifies God's love, from which no man should ever divert his eyes.
Upon the corresponding planet, people in their somewhat different dwellings have beds, which they normally fill with fig leaves (a fruit prevalent upon this planet). These beds are positioned so that people sleeping always face the interior of the house. Upon the corresponding solar equator however there are no beds in the private dwellings, only the formerly mentioned resting benches between the pillars. People seated on them face the house interior.
Only when having meals do they change over to the two outer walks, facing outwards, holding that there, they serve only their outward nature and this should not be mixed up with divine service.
Behold, here we have a few more of these national codes, which upon examination certainly have a wise foundation; and so we move to another state rule. What does this consist of?
This concerns sitting outside the house, in the open, perchance in the shade of gigantic trees. Every person, male or female is obliged to sit with crossed legs, somewhat like your Turks, and always in a circle with their back outward and their face towards the centre of the circle; with a woman sitting between two men where possible.
This order of seating upon this belt pertains to the life of fellowship; and there is much discussion at such meetings and the time glorified with exalted and edifying things.
What do they normally discuss? On such occasions speech is by mouth, but never loudly, treating all sorts of things and manifestations. But their preferred subject is always the most loving, sole Lord. When they hit upon Him no other subject is likely to penetrate the fellowship circle.
But, speech my mouth forthwith ceases, mime takes over. But, you must not think this a kind of incomprehensible foolish miming, for this speech is one of the spirit and is a perfect tongue through which everything can be described, compared to which speech by mouth, even at a perfect level, seems paltry. I shall give you a comprehensible example for clarification.
Let two so-called, second-sighted somnambulists (clairvoyants) get together and let one of them think of a letter to someone, then magnetically connect to the other, and the letter shall at once be able to be written down by him as it was mentally conceived by the first. Behold, this example to which you can relate quite well gives you a clear idea of the nature of the language of miming used by these equatorial inhabitants.
That would be another code, which has a good foundation and purpose. But let us move to another concerning how men speak to women by mouth. They guard against speaking too loud in case the tender woman has cause to think the man has something unpleasant against her, as this could easily have a destructive effect on her organism as well as her spirit, causing her to be barren.
For this reason the male is exceptionally affectionate towards the female to a degree that you on your rough Earth could not imagine. But this affection also generates delight in the spouses, which you are equally incapable of grasping.
But how this magnifies the worth of a woman to an unbelievable extent through the gentleness and affection shown to her, even you on your Earth can gather superficially. If you ever found yourself in a social group, then the woman who enjoyed the most widespread approbation will have made the deepest impression on you. The more she is shown consideration, the more elation you too would experience in her company. This is of course just a dim analogy, introduced because it is impossible to find a better one upon your Earth. But it can give you a small idea of why the female sex upon the fourth equatorial belt is exceedingly tender, gentle and full of the most ardent love and secondly how, a most charming beauty is always tied to this character in a most natural manner.
Surely one thing is certain, that the outer physical form is an impress of the inner character. If there are repulsive shapes among you, then these are the result of many years and the decrepitude of an older character of the elder's lineage. When however the characters in their inward part are steadily ennobled in My image to their innermost foundation then the exterior impress also shall come to be steadily ennobled and glorified.
From this you can conclude that the women of this belt are exceedingly beautiful, breathing out love and their utmost charm and sweetness everywhere. From this you can discern the obligation concerning men's speech by mouth in accordance with the regulation.
And so we conclude today's revelations with this code and follow up with even more important social codes next time; and so we will leave it for today.
